Saturday, March 25, 2006

How Much More Proof Do We Need?

A citizen of Afghanistan chose to convert to Christianity.

The Afghan Government jailed him. They are going to put him on trial and then KILL him.

According to authorities: "Death is the punishment stipulated by Sharia, or Islamic law, for apostasy."

Who now is
foolish enough to still believe that Islam is a religion of Peace?

[get full details from the article at Yahoo News.]

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Iran Threatens "Harm and Pain" to the U.S.

Iran has threatened "harm and pain" to America if the U.N. Security Council decrees sanctions over the Iranian nuclear program, designed specifically to make weapons grade material. (See the news article here.)

How long, oh, how long are liberals and Democrats still going to keep whining about the so-called "Peace" of Islam? The religion was born in blood, and will forever terrorize with blood, yet we continue to doubt? How much more evidence do we need?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

WORLDBANK article.

The World Bank issued a report recommending that third world countries should take steps to improve pre-natal and post natal nutrition, so the children have a better chance to survive disease and contribute to struggling economies.

Read the Yahoo! News article here. [link]

Wise advice, I'll admit. The thing that gets me, though, is that each of the countries they listed in the article had one of two types of government: socialist/communist, or NON-Christian religious extremist.

To be honest with you, I'm not surprised that these countries struggle with poverty. Maybe they should worry about getting rid of their worthless governments, instead of borrowing money from The World Bank. But then again, I'm not a Nobel Laureate economist like the ones who did the research, so what do I know?