Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Crummy Tin-Plate Governments, part two

In an earlier post I mentioned that global experts were concerned about mal-nutrition in third world nations. I pointed out that the majority of the nations on their worst list just happened to have governments that are either socialist/communist, or are non-christian religious extremist. I said we should get rid of those governments, and maybe then it would be easier to introduce better society to those nations.

Lately the U.N. is sounding a warning about civilians in Darfur dying by the thousands from starvation and malnutrition as a result of constant civil warfare. Guess what? One of the warring factions responsible for driving civilians out of their homes in "ethnic cleansing," is an ethnic group that -- you guessed it -- is religiously extreme. They are from a religion know for its global bloodthirst for destruction. They are Arabs.

To me, the solution is simple. GET RID OF THE ARABS, let the non-Arabs live in peace, and then they'll be able to lift themselves out of the religious Dark Ages, and join the rest of the world in the 21st century.

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