Sunday, May 28, 2006

Straight Guy against the Queer Eye.

By now most people are familiar with the term "Metrosexual," which is basically a Clinton-era renaming of the term "Sensitive New Age Guy."

Let me introduce you to the term "Retrosexual," which is basically a guy who relies on the time-tested true-blue characteristics of REAL manhood.

Here's a list of the requirements for a "Retrosexual." [link]

Friday, May 26, 2006

Damage Left Behind.

Click the banner
to see a website that details the misdeeds of Mr. Bill.

The Sincerest Form of Flattery.

It's been said that you know you're successful when you are often immitated.

The YottaMark company specializes in helping manufacturers differentiate their products from counterfeits. YottaMark keeps a regular blog [link] with articles describing incidents in the counterfeit industry around the world. When looking through the blog, I noticed that the CHINESE frequently pop up as culprits.

It makes me wonder. If communism is the great economic system that the Chinese have made it out to be, why are they continually trying to exploit Western markets with counterfeit merchandise? Can't their "workers paradise" produce better products on their own?

As to which economic system is the better one, the proof is in the pudding, I think.

Hippie Teachers.

Homeschoolers, here's another reason to keep your kids out of the public system.

A New Jersey High School held a mock trial where President Bush is charged with war crimes.
[read the article here.]

I seriously doubt any of those Pinko teachers are going to put Che Guevera, Pol Pot, or Chairman Mao on trial any time soon.

In Defense of Rush.

Whatever problems Rush may have had with prescriptions, at least he didn't drive a car off a bridge and drown a young girl.

Just for kicks and grins, I did a Yahoo! search with the terms "kennedy drunk," and came up with some hillarious results.

Try it and see. Try it with different search engines. It's good for a laugh.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Send 'Em a Brick

For all those people in Washington who don't understand what a secure border is, you can send them a BRICK:

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Iron My Shirt, B*!

The odd guy way in the back has the right idea.

Late Night Humor

Observations from Mr. Leno:
-- The CIA has a new lead on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. They think he may be hiding out in an empty theater showing the movie, "Poseidon”.

President Bush has proposed sweeping immigration changes; which is pretty amazing when you consider that before he became president, Bush thought immigration was the sincerest form of flattery.
-- Former President Bill Clinton has just signed another book deal. We have an advanced copy. Hand me that will you? (drop-in screen: book title, "The Five People You Meet Under My Desk”

From Mr. Letterman:
-- Hillary Clinton says that in her spare time she likes to download iTunes. We all know that in his spare time Bill likes to download interns.

The Tony nominations are out. The Oprah thing, "The Color Purple” has been nominated for 12 Tony’s. I’m thrilled, it’s nice to see something finally going Oprah’s way.
Speaking of Tony’s a new musical is opening up about Vice President Cheney. It’s called "Cheney Get Your Gun”.
-- Talk about an ordeal. Yesterday Senator Ted Kennedy was on an aircraft up here in the northeast and it was hit by lightning. They landed, luckily no one was hurt. But then he had to ride home from the airport with his son Patrick.

From Mr. Conan O'Brian:
-- The State of Texas is considering raising speed limits on some roads to 80 miles per hour. This is so illegals can get to work faster.
"A new study reveals that guests on daytime talk shows are predominantly female. Of course, most of them weren't born that way."

Saturday, May 20, 2006

"Glass House," part two

It seems Spain is having troubles with Africans migrating to their shores illegally. [Click the
photo for Yahoo News article.] The Spaniards are beefing up their border security. Do you think Spain will issue government documents in African languages? Do you think they'll make their schools teach in African languages? Don't hold your breath.

Latinos talk a big game for themselves on immigration, but when it comes to dealing with others, they're just as self-protective as we are.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Situational Journalism

Ever wonder why the so-called "fair" liberal media jumped all over Rush Limbaugh's drug problem like immigrants onto a hole in the fence, yet the Kennedys get a free pass for their long history of intoxication? Here's an article that examines the question:

The Woes and Trevails of "Slick Patrick." [link]


Here are some links to resources in the fight to preserve English as our public language:

English First
Eagle (English topic)

Of course, there is the usual contingent of Hispanics who say we should learn Spanish to adapt to them, because they're here and they vote.

Well, guess what? When was the last time the Mexican Government discussed the English needs of all the American and British expatriates who live and work in Mexico? Bet you can guess how many times that's happened.

The day Mexico publishes government documents in English will be the day I support American government documents in Spanish. In this case, that would be never.

Living In a "Glass House"

Mexican President Vincente Fox just loves to criticise the U.S. for the way we handle illegal immigrants and deportees. He does this to pander to his voters. It seems he has human rights problems in his own back yard.

Click on the image to read an article that shows more of his hypocrisy.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Problem Solved.

America finds herself faced with two quandaries:

  1. New recruits are not coming forward for the military these days. Volunteer numbers are WAY down from previous years. Nobody wants to go fight in Iraq.
  2. Record numbers of Mexican nationals are streaming across our borders illegally. Many of them are so desperate for work, they'll do jobs that Americans don't want to do.
Hmmmmm........Is it just me, or does there seem to be an obvious solution here? [wink]

This Guy is "Da Bomb!"

Click this link for a new, modern view of Mohammed.

Mohammed Image Archive

Be carefull, though. Your ISP might track your travels there and reveal you to the Taliban. [wink]

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mexican Soccer Voodoo!

Below is a link to an article that describes how the Iranians are afraid of Mexican Voodoo during this year's World Cup games in Germany.

Maybe we're fighting the war against terror with the wrong weapons. Maybe we should give the Taliban a couple of good doses from The Evil Eye! Yessir, that'll do the trick.

What morons.

[link] Great Allah! Mohammed's a Voodoo Doll!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


KENNEDY brand Tonic Elixir!

'Nuff Said.

The Numbers Don't Lie

Average Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Bush: 0.1

Average Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Gore: 13.2

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Stupid Liberal Quotes

"You can't say you love your country and hate your government."
- Bill Clinton, 1995 (After the OKC bombing)

"A lot of wonderful people love their country and hate the military."
- Bill Clinton, 1969 (Letter to the National Guard)


"I was embarrassed to wear it." -Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-CA, talking about her American flag pin, as quoted in the San Jose Mercury News. (Pfff! You weren't too emabarrassed to have your husband's company take millions of dollars in U.S. contracts to build Iraq though. Loser.)


"A strict reading of the constitution would be a mistake"
--Al Gore 3/14/00


FLORIDA: We're number one! Wait! Recount!


"I voted Republican this year. The Democrats left a really bad taste in my mouth." -- Monica Lewinsky


Get Your Laws out of My Food.

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan
40th president of US (1911 - 2004)

Of course, most everyone is familiar with Bill Clinton's new anti-soda regulations in the schools. Our schools are floating in an ocean of drugs, and they're worried about soda pop. This is the latest in a long line of campaigning by liberal FOOD POLICE.

Can you picture it? All the "Al Capones" of the future are going to make money off of "speak-easies" that serve banned food like stuff with salt or butter, and of course soda pop. I'm going to make some soda pop in my bath-tub. Maybe I can join them and do some "soda-running" from Canada.

These people have nothing better to do than to use government force to control what I eat. A teen girl can abort a child in this country, but she can't have soda pop? A teen boy can join the military and be killed by enemy guns, but he can't have soda pop? What's up with that?

Create Your Own G.O.P. Website

G.O.P. dotcom has a feature where you can create a webspace for yourself, and use it to recruit and campaign for the cause. Check it out,
RIGH HERE. [link]