Friday, January 27, 2006

On Global Warming...

“There's a lot of differing data, but as far as I can gather, over the last hundred years the temperature on this planet has gone up 1.8 degrees. Am I the only one who finds that amazingly stable? I could go back to my hotel room tonight and futz with the thermostat for three to four hours. I could not detect that difference.”

-- Dennis Miller

So This Guy Walks Into a Bar....

A man askes his companion, "What's the most common French expression?"
His friend scratches his head for a moment, then raises his hands and replies, "I give up!"
Q: What's the best place to hide your money?
A: Under a Frenchman's soap.
Ad for a French rifle on sale at Ebay:
"Never been fired and it's been dropped only once."
French tanks have 6 gears, 5 reverse and 1 forward. The forward gear exists in case they are attacked from behind.
Q: What do you do if a Frenchman throws a hand-grenade at you?
A: Take the pin out and throw it back.
Q: What do you do if a Frenchman throws a pin at you?
A: Run like hell - he's still got a hand-grenade between his teeth.

Jokes brought to you courtesy of Burn This Flag, A* H*le!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I wonder if she called out "amen!"

"Following revelations that he fathered a love child, the good Reverend Jesse Jackson or should we say the "very" good Reverend is enduring the scandal with the help of family and friends. A scandal which gives clearer meaning to the Rainbow Coalition's "Operation 'Push'." —Jon Stewart

"It gives new meaning to affirmative action. She said, 'Do you want some action?' He said, 'Affirmative.'" Jay Leno, on Jesse Jackson's extramarital affair

Monday, January 16, 2006

Walter Komrade-kite and Hoofin-Mouth Disease

In recent remarks, Walter Cronkite stated he believed we should withdraw from Iraq "with honour," implying that our continued presence there is without honor. The only thing without honor is his continual opposition to the best interests of this nation. While terrorists are enemies abroad, Cronkite and his whining defeatism is an enemy at home, a traitor.

Cronkite goes further to state that Dan Rather was a "victim" in the phony document scandal that erupted just before he retired. The only thing Dan Rather was a victim of was his "lie at any cost" ethics in order to oppose our national interests.

Cronkite's pronouncement in 1968 that Vietnam was "unwinnable" was more than just a mere expression of opinion, it was a propoganda effort specifically intended to bring about opposition to our national security interests. We lost Vietnam because of traitors at home, not because of strategic failures in battle as he claims.

I nominate Cronkite to be an "honour-ary" recipient of the "Dixie-Chyks Memorial Boneheaded Media BigMouth" award. It's a tie between him, Peter "Canuck" Jennings, Dan "Blather," and Nightline's Ted "Kommie" Koppel.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Enemy is My Teacher

So many of my conservative "comrades" are so busy intellectualizing the political process in the style of William F. Buckley, that they have no clue how to get their message actually ACROSS, the way liberals do.

Check out "The FreeWay Blogger", a liberal blogsite that shows the grassroots techniques of propagandizing that I wish conservatives would make more use of.

Another example of liberal ingenuity is flash mobs. So many conservatives are too stiff and patrician to resort to such human intimacy, yet the liberals are cleaning our clocks in the gut-level political awareness game. A friend of mine took risks by scrawling "Clinton sucks, Monica blows" in red ink on dollar bills, but that's as far as I've seen.

Friends, we need to take it to the streets. If you don't have the hearts and minds of the masses, you have nothing.

As If there Wasn't Enough In Real Life...

For those people who enjoy "hack-n-slash" movies, the recent release "Hostel" directed by Eli Roth is sure to please, with enough intense blood and gore to rival a Kansas slaughter-house in Autumn. The thing that really bothers me is that people fork over perfectly good money to revel in theatrical violence, when they can get real violence just as bloody for practically next to nothing.

If it's gore they're looking for, why not make a movie about the horrendous tortures enured by victims of Communism? Case in point: the Cambodian people under Pol Pot's regime. At the Toul Sleng Interrogation Center women, children, and even infants (!) were accused of treason against the state and beaten or tortured to death. Special techniques included fierce electric shock to the genitals, pulling out the fingernails, pouring hot molten rubber onto the breasts, tearing off the skin a piece at a time and throwing salt on the exposed muscles, and so on ad nauseum.

I DARE HOLLYWOOD -- I dare them to make movies that tell the truth about the brutalities and crimes against humanity committed by communist regimes across the world. I dare them to show it in full, bloody detail, if they're so interested in "hack-n-slash" movies.

Hollywood will never take me up on that dare.

Hollywood will never admit that they have had a love affair with Communism since the 1930's. While pampered writers were whining about "The Blacklist," innocent civilians and american soldiers suffered, bled, and died horrible deaths under Communism. Hollywood prefers to pump out drivel like "Hostel," rather than film the full truth.

They don't have the cajones.

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Just to show I'm open minded, here's a link to a LIBERAL blog post that criticizes Republican policies on torture (rightly so, I'll even admit) but it makes my case for the atrocities at
Tuol Sleng

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mom! There's Liberals Under My Bed!

Be the first in your party cell to get this humorous satire of liberal shenanigens.

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CLICK THE PHOTO to purchase.

Soldier Still on Trial for Refusing Commie U.N. Beret

Clinton sent him to Macedonia for an illegal, non-congressionally sanctioned conflict. Clinton ordered him to wear the Blue Beret and answer to foreign officers. Our soldier said no.

CLICK HERE to get the full scoop.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Commie Ethics

Seems that the Mao-Lovers still can't handle dissent maturely like most other modern democratic nations, so they have to resort to Clinton-esque dirty tricks to smear their opponents and lock them away in a torture prison.

Here's the article: Hong Kong Dissident Scandal