Saturday, January 14, 2006

As If there Wasn't Enough In Real Life...

For those people who enjoy "hack-n-slash" movies, the recent release "Hostel" directed by Eli Roth is sure to please, with enough intense blood and gore to rival a Kansas slaughter-house in Autumn. The thing that really bothers me is that people fork over perfectly good money to revel in theatrical violence, when they can get real violence just as bloody for practically next to nothing.

If it's gore they're looking for, why not make a movie about the horrendous tortures enured by victims of Communism? Case in point: the Cambodian people under Pol Pot's regime. At the Toul Sleng Interrogation Center women, children, and even infants (!) were accused of treason against the state and beaten or tortured to death. Special techniques included fierce electric shock to the genitals, pulling out the fingernails, pouring hot molten rubber onto the breasts, tearing off the skin a piece at a time and throwing salt on the exposed muscles, and so on ad nauseum.

I DARE HOLLYWOOD -- I dare them to make movies that tell the truth about the brutalities and crimes against humanity committed by communist regimes across the world. I dare them to show it in full, bloody detail, if they're so interested in "hack-n-slash" movies.

Hollywood will never take me up on that dare.

Hollywood will never admit that they have had a love affair with Communism since the 1930's. While pampered writers were whining about "The Blacklist," innocent civilians and american soldiers suffered, bled, and died horrible deaths under Communism. Hollywood prefers to pump out drivel like "Hostel," rather than film the full truth.

They don't have the cajones.

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Just to show I'm open minded, here's a link to a LIBERAL blog post that criticizes Republican policies on torture (rightly so, I'll even admit) but it makes my case for the atrocities at
Tuol Sleng


Sean H. said...

They did..."The Killing Fields"

america_man_2000 said...

Yes...but HOW MUCH DETAIL did "The Killing Fields" show? Was there enough to equal the gore in "Hostel?" Did we see the specific tortures done at Toul Sleng, complete with screaming and blood? I personally listened to many, many first-hand accounts of atrocities endured by Cambodian emigre's I used to live next to. They go into detail that TKF never mentioned. If you observe the story line very closely, you'll still see carefully veiled anti-West elements in what is said in TKF. Besides...that's ONE movie, compared to the boatloads of hack-n-slash Hollywood pumps out every year.