Monday, January 16, 2006

Walter Komrade-kite and Hoofin-Mouth Disease

In recent remarks, Walter Cronkite stated he believed we should withdraw from Iraq "with honour," implying that our continued presence there is without honor. The only thing without honor is his continual opposition to the best interests of this nation. While terrorists are enemies abroad, Cronkite and his whining defeatism is an enemy at home, a traitor.

Cronkite goes further to state that Dan Rather was a "victim" in the phony document scandal that erupted just before he retired. The only thing Dan Rather was a victim of was his "lie at any cost" ethics in order to oppose our national interests.

Cronkite's pronouncement in 1968 that Vietnam was "unwinnable" was more than just a mere expression of opinion, it was a propoganda effort specifically intended to bring about opposition to our national security interests. We lost Vietnam because of traitors at home, not because of strategic failures in battle as he claims.

I nominate Cronkite to be an "honour-ary" recipient of the "Dixie-Chyks Memorial Boneheaded Media BigMouth" award. It's a tie between him, Peter "Canuck" Jennings, Dan "Blather," and Nightline's Ted "Kommie" Koppel.

1 comment:

Cliff Brown said...

The worst thing about the media bias is that they think they are fair.