Monday, June 12, 2006

As Ye Sow, That Shall Ye Also Reap

Fire-arm designer Mikhail Kalashnikov now regrets having made the AK-47 assault rifle for the Soviets. The Russians and Chinese flooded the world with cheap copies until it has become the gun of choice for gangs and terrorists world-wide.

See the Yahoo! News article. [link]

One could arguably assert that the AK-47 has killed more people in the 20th century than the American atomic bomb dropped on Japan. The irony is that it required no expensive materials, support, or maintenance. A little bit of scrap metal and some wood are all that's needed to make it.

What does one expect when giving such a thing to a political system born in mass-genocide like communism was? In my opinion, he is shedding crocodile tears, too little too late.

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