Monday, June 19, 2006

Democrat Mug Shots.

Journalists in the early twentieth century began to make a sport out of exposing the corruption and mis-demeanors of public officials. Ida Tarbell may perhaps be the matron saint of the genre, with her life-long crusade against Rockefeller and Standard Oil. This particular form of journalism became affectionately known as "muck-raking."

In the 1990's publisher Larry Flynt tossed his hat into the muck-raking melee by spending three million dollars (or so) on private investigators to dig up dirt on Republicans in Congress and the Senate. He compiled the results of his efforts and published them in a lengthy tome entitled "The Flynt Report" which was only slightly less dry and boring than reading The Congressional Record itself.

I noticed that Liberals and Democrats all over the web gleefully publish links to articles and web pages outlining the mis-deeds of any hapless Conservative who may have ended up in journalistic cross-hairs. One blog I visited had pages upon pages of links to articles about Republicans, as if its Liberal author had nothing better to do (just like me!) What about helping the homeless or raising money for pediatric AIDS research? What about waving signs with "make love, not war?" Nada. Just lots of muck-raking.

I figured "what the hey." I can do that too. Every so often from now on, I'll throw in some links to Democrat wrong-doings. If I can find mug shots, all the better. This week we'll start with Miami City Commissioner, Democrat Johnny Winton, and discuss the fight he got into with airport police. He even kicked an officer in the nads. Good going for the Liberal cause of "peace, love, and tolerance."

Luckily the officers managed to give a good old-fashioned "attitude adjustment" to his smug, robber-baron limousine-liberal face. Click on the mug shot below to find the news article and all the good details:

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