Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mexican Voodoo, part 2

Earlier I posted a link to an article that discussed how the Iranians were hysterically paranoid about the Mexicans using Voodoo against them during the World Cup.

Today I found an article that talks about Mexicans using Voodoo dolls against their own phony, corrupt politicians. [ read it here. ]

Maybe we should try that against Liberals, Commies, Pinkos, and bleeding-heart big-mouth celebrities like Micheal Moore and the Dixie Chumps. I have just the website for that purpose [ get your voodoo dolls here. ]

Not to be outdone, some Hispanic politicians here in America are hassling each other about the practice, like this [ election in New Haven. ]

For the uninitiated, here's a [ brief primer on the subject ]from the Free Republic website, one of my favorite Conservative places on the web.

I did a Yahoo search with the terms "fidel castro voodoo." Got some interesting results.

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