Friday, June 02, 2006

Even The Lefties Cringe.

I found some interesting resources about the hypocrisy of Michael Moore. Here is a nice quote:

"It would be easy to denounce Moore as a hypocrite. Many conservatives denounce him as a leftist, when in fact the serious left, the thinking left, generally finds him appalling. He is the latest in the modern breed of Limosine Leftists -- individuals who, while personally they share the values of 19th century robber barons, find it flattering to adopt a thin veneer of leftism as a pose, in the same manner they pick a flattering hair style or gown. (A left-leaning critic of Moore summed up the situation very nicely: Moore's appeal lies in his giving wealthy, over-educated, whites an opportunity to laugh at working-class whites.)" [Courtesy of "Michael Moore Exposed!"]

There's even an entire directory of websites at Yahoo Search devoted to [ "
Anti-Michael Moore." ]

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