Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Our Troops Are Betrayed.

In Recent days it came to light that personal information on millions of our service-people have been stolen in a burglary.

Here's the article on Yahoo News.

I want to support the Government's war on terror and all the overseas manuevres to bring peace to conflicted regions. The thing that really bothers me is the absolute, asinine stupidity in some branches of the Government (big surprise, right?)

Here we are pouring money into the NSA wiretapping of domestic phone and internet traffic, and then we let somebody just walk right in, nice as you please, and lift the personal data of millions of soldiers. This ranks right up there with the time someone stole portable hard drives from nuclear research facilities in Los Alamos.

Good God, what kind of chicken-!@$%*% rinky-dink fly by night security do we have in this country?

This episode is doubly bad, because in addition to the personal privacy issues where these soldiers are now vulnerable to economic crime, an enemy power would give anything to know who to spy on in the populace. With that list an enemy can tease out strategic nuggets like our command structure, troop sizes and movements, who worked intelligence positions, who to spy on to find out even more info, the works.

We're talking major blow to National Security.

Jimminie Christmas -- why do we even bother have an intelligence comunity at all? We have spies and scouts dying all over the world throughout our nation's history to protect our secrets and help our troops, and then we let some bozo walk right in and steal this stuff? Why don't we just walk up to China, and hand over to them every page of material we have stored in our Intelligence agencies, and be done with the hopeless pretense of security that we think we can depend on?

Like I said: I support our troops and I salute them. I thank all of them for the sacrifices that all of them make every day for the safety of my family. I absolutely despise weasel bureaucrats who sell our soldiers out with this kind of stupidity. Shame, shame, SHAME on them. One stupid bureaucrat is worth a hundred foreign spies.

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